Chūze Fitness

When you feel so genuinely passionate about something you want to tell the world – And that’s exactly how I feel about Chūze Fitness. After I had Hudson (Over 4 years ago) I was in the best shape of my life.. I had more energy than I knew what to do with, I had a six pack and incredible confidence. But, I got all of that by living in a toxic mindset with food and exercise.

It was a chore. Eating insanely strictly, exercising everyday, and treating myself like a machine that I wouldn’t allow to rest. I’m sure what you would expect to happen, happened. I fell off the health train, HARD. I had one cheat meal and I spiraled. I felt like I was a failure, I felt disgusted with myself and I hated how I “felt”.

So I stopped eating healthy completely. I started drinking more alcohol, stopped working out, stopped everything that I considered “healthy” because I felt like it was a waste since I was “off the wagon”. Then I got pregnant with my twins. After I had them my body felt like it was shutting down. I had no energy, no desire to move, no desire to cook, no desire to do anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary.

I hated myself. And the worst part? I allowed myself to be like that until they were 8 months old – I felt like I was failing them as a Mother. I decided I needed to make a change – Not just for them but also for myself.

As a stay at home Mother of three I was super intimidated by the thought of working out at home like I always had because I knew I’d lose momentum the moment one of them needed something. So I did some searching and found a few gyms that had childcare. It seemed overwhelming but after hearing raving reviews about Chūze Fitness from some local Moms I decided to give it a try..

Their 7 day free trial included everything but tanning so I was able to take all my kiddos into the Kids Club to try it out. The ladies in there were immediately incredible. They were excited to take my twin babies (Something I absolutely feared) and told me to take my time and have a great workout..

After dropping them off I stood outside the Kid’s Club door, completely bewildered that I was kid-free.. I looked around at all of the amazing opportunities in front of me.. I could use their HydroMassage machines, get some cardio in at the Chūze Cinema, join in on a Zumba class, go for a swim, hop in the sauna or get rid of my nasty cold in the Eucalyptus steam room.. The possibilities literally seemed endless.

That was a month ago today. I can now honestly say that Chūze has already changed my life. This is my home away from home. My twins light up when they see the girls, Hudson constantly asks if we can go back to the “play place” and I know I can workout with complete assurance that my kids are in the best hands.

And because of them I’ve been able to gain my strength and energy back. I’ve been going multiple times a week – And sometimes, I literally just sit in the massage chairs, go for a tan then watch a movie while on a stationary bike because whether I am exercising or not it’s my time to focus on ME.

But, most of all, Chūze has changed my life completely because I am now able to be the Mother I need to be for my sweet boys. So thank you Chūze, for the opportunity to better myself and giving me the tools to do so.

Want to try it for yourself? Here is my referral code – I promise.. Your first day there you’ll know you want to sign up.. Did I mention they have a built in smoothie bar? 😉

Chuze Fitness

When you feel so genuinely passionate about something you want to tell the world – And that’s exactly how I feel about Chuze Fitness. After I had Hudson (Over 4 years ago) I was in the best shape of my life.. I had more energy than I knew what to do with, I had a six-pack and incredible confidence. But, I got all of that by living in a toxic mindset with food and exercise.

It was a chore. Eating insanely strictly, exercising everyday, and treating myself like a machine that I wouldn’t allow to rest. I’m sure what you would expect to happen, happened. I fell off the health train, HARD. I had one cheat meal and I spiraled. I felt like I was a failure, I felt disgusted with myself and I hated how I “felt”.

So I stopped eating healthy completely. I started drinking more alcohol, stopped working out, stopped everything that I considered “healthy” because I felt like it was a waste since I was “off the wagon”. Then I got pregnant with my twins. After I had them my body felt like it was shutting down. I had no energy, no desire to move, no desire to cook, no desire to do anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary.

I hated myself. And the worst part? I allowed myself to be like that until they were 8 months old – I felt like I was failing them as a Mother. I decided I needed to make a change – Not just for them but also for myself.

As a stay at home Mother of three I was super intimidated by the thought of working out at home like I always had because I knew I’d lose momentum the moment one of them needed something. So I did some searching and found a few gyms that had childcare. It seemed overwhelming but after hearing raving reviews about Chuze Fitness from some local Moms I decided to give it a try..

Their 7 day free trial included everything but tanning so I was able to take all my kiddos into the Kids Club to try it out. The ladies in there were immediately incredible. They were excited to take my twin babies (Something I absolutely feared) and told me to take my time and have a great workout..

After dropping them off I stood outside the Kid’s Club door, completely bewildered that I was kid-free.. I looked around at all of the amazing opportunities in front of me.. I could use their HydroMassage machines, get some cardio in at the Chuze Cinema, join in on a Zumba class, go for a swim, hop in the sauna or get rid of my nasty cold in the Eucalyptus steam room.. The possibilities literally seemed endless.

That was a month ago today. I can now honestly say that Chuze has already changed my life. This is my home away from home. My twins light up when they see the girls, Hudson constantly asks if we can go back to the “play place” and I know I can workout with complete assurance that my kids are in the best hands.

And because of them I’ve been able to gain my strength and energy back. I’ve been going multiple times a week – And sometimes, I literally just sit in the massage chairs, go for a tan then watch a movie while on a stationary bike because whether I am exercising or not it’s my time to focus on ME.

But, most of all, Chuze has changed my life completely because I am now able to be the Mother I need to be for my sweet boys. So thank you Chuze, for the opportunity to better myself and giving me the tools to do so.

Want to try it for yourself? Here is my referral code – I promise.. Your first day there you’ll know you want to sign up.. Did I mention they have a built-in smoothie bar? 😉

Venturing Into A New World of Health

Disclosure: The links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Bear in mind that I link this company and their services because of my genuine belief in their program and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases!

Throughout my health journey these past six years I’ve had many people approach me and ask, “How do you do it?” or “Where do I start?”. I’ve always had the answer when it came to the way I ate. Wholesome foods, natural foods – Meats, fruits, and vegetables! Easy enough right?


Well, when I realized that my food advice wasn’t enough it took me a long time (Til now, honestly!) to realize that it’s really not that easy. Knowing what to ingredients to use and what “meal plan” to follow is a great first step – But the biggest part of weight loss / beginning a healthier lifestyle starts with a persons psychological mindset when it comes to food.

Everyone has a different relationship with food. I used to have a very toxic relationship with it where I was incredibly negative towards my body and starved myself. But when I began to realize what wholesome foods really did for me I started to see it in a new way. And from that blossomed a beautiful respect and love that made transitioning into exercise and healthy long-term habits that much easier.


Now – I am one week away from having my twins.. And it’s been an incredibly long and exhausting pregnancy. Unfortunately, I have not been nourishing my body the way I should’ve been or exercising which I had promised myself I would.

BUT.. I am very proud of myself for creating two little sweet boys and want to reward myself with getting back on track – Not just for weight loss but also for energy and confidence. I already know the foods I need to keep my body strong but where I know I’ll need an extra pair of hands (Because I’ll literally have none with twins) is my recommitment, which is why I’ve decided to start this journey with Noom.

You may have seen their commercials and thought, “Oh – Another diet / weight loss fad.” But they actually touch on exactly everything I had mentioned above. They’re not just about losing the weight, they’re trying to help each unique individual understand their needs to develop those healthy food relationships and habits with psychological encouragement.

They keep you on track, quickly answer any and all questions that arise, and give you the information you need to grow and move achieve your goals! You get paired with the right expert whose picked based on your personality and destination and they’re with you for the long haul! So you get real human interaction with a person you build a foundation and relationship with. I love that aspect.

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I’m really excited to officially become partners with this company because I genuinely believe wholeheartedly in their psychology-based program and mission. You can start this journey with me and join their proven-lasting program right now with their two week trial*.

Noom – It’s a smarter way to lose weight!

*After the trial, it is $149 for a six month subscription. Which is less than $1/day!

(I was compensated for this post – All opinions are my own!)

Arctic Cool Gear

I am SO ready for my boys to make their debut soon.. I’m ready to see their sweet faces but I’m also SO ready to have my body back! I’ve already started stocking up on my favorite workout gear through Arctic Cool Gear – They released some new items that are SO comfortable and really cute!

Being big into health and fitness, I’ve tried all different kinds of brands and always struggled with overheating and sticking from sweating – All of these create an uncomfortable exercising experience that would stop me from wanting to continue..

I’ve never had that with Arctic Cool (Which is why I’m 5 pieces of clothing deep 😉 ).. With their HydroFreeze X technology, their revolutionary fabric wicks moisture away while lowering body temperature.. Yeah, it literally uses your own sweat to cool you down and it feels amazing!

Their new releases are SO cute and still incredibly comfortable.. I may be rocking my new tank top already, which only covers half of my belly but it’s just too soft and I am sweating constantly right now.. haha!


Once my boys decide to grace us with their arrival I’ll be so ready to get back on the exercise wagon (Once I heal, of course..) and I’m so happy to have all of my Arctic Cool gear along for the challenge!

Check out their new arrivals for exercise or just everyday comfort wear!

(I was compensated for this post, all opinions are my own)

Workout Routine Roulette

I find it incredibly important to switch up your workouts. Not just, “What do I want to work on today?” but different routines! It makes it easier to follow through when you don’t know what’s coming next and so it doesn’t become monotonous.

For the longest time I’d do random YouTube videos over and over and over… Eventually I found myself thinking about the one move I HATE the most (Burpees -_-) and ended up not having the motivation to even START the workout because I was dreading ONE 45 second move in a long list of workouts..


That’s when I realized I needed to do the “Workout Routine Roulette”, where I change it up constantly. I have my own routine, some YouTube videos (that I have memorized :p), Way of Gray workouts and more!

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I haven’t worked out for awhile because I forgot about my WRR – So I decided to get up and try Way of Gray again today for the first time in awhile. And I feel AMAZING. I mixed it up by doing some of my moves and some of hers which left me feeling reinvigorated and re-motivated!

Stuck in a workout rut? Switch it up, try something new, buy new workout clothes – Whatever it takes to help you get that motivation back and eventually it’s not even a “need motivation” thing, it literally becomes a habit.


Favorite Leg Workout

I absolutely love YouTube workouts – They keep me on track (Without quitting early), they’re easy to follow along with and allow me to mix it up whenever I want try do something different.

I’ve got many workout playlists that showcase all of my favorites. I do have to share my favorite Leg Workout video though – As I did it today for the first time in awhile and I forgot how much I love it! It feels great and always gives me amazing results.

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I love all of the XHIT Daily’s videos but highly recommend this one specifically to anyone looking to tone their legs and tighten their butt! 😉 It really works so well!



Happy Leg Day!

For The “New Year, New You”

It’s that time of year again – Where resolutions are made and promises are intended to be kept. Find a career? Find a partner? Stop drinking so much? Lose weight? We know how that goes the majority of the time – Like it being a brand new year will magically give someone the motivation and energy they need to accomplish this goal. There are so many memes and jokes surrounding that resolution in particular.

But the more I think about it the more I realize what the issue is. I’m sure it’s completely overwhelming not knowing where to start or what to do – Everywhere you look it’s WORKOUT. WORKOUT. WORKOUT. You’ll get rock-hard abs! But that isn’t true, abs are made in the kitchen. You need to eat whole foods and lots of it, without it you’d have little to no results and that would be very demoralizing to ANYONE.

If I had any advice to give to anyone struggling with this or TRULY wanting to lose weight or even just be the healthiest version of themselves – It would be to do some research first. Eat whole foods – Meats, veggies, fruits. Non-processed foods.

I eat strictly Paleo and although it isn’t for everyone it has done absolute wonders for me – Before AND After having a baby! I even do YouTube workouts and they have always worked great for me! Don’t give up on your resolutions – If you truly want something, GO GET IT.




Frog Crunches

I just discovered these workouts today and I LOVE them! It feels sooo good on the abs – Definitely going to keep these a regular part of my routine!

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You extend your legs, while they’re in the air, and when you pull in for the crunch you get into the “frog legs” position while lifting your shoulders off the ground and have your elbows meet your knees.

Leg Lifts!

Outer and Inner leg lifts as well as Circles do WONDERS when toning your legs! Do them for 30 seconds each side and repeat 5 times!

Remember not to lock your knees and to tighten your core as you’re doing these workouts!

Let me know if you tried it and how you felt afterward!

Donkey Kicks

These workouts are so good for toning and strengthening your glutes as well as your core! This is probably one of my favorites as it puts a burn in your legs, butt and upper abdominals! It is actually proven to be more effective than squats!

Try them out! You’ll love it! Just make sure to engage your core and get your leg up as high as you can in the air!